Sharing Spaces

Terms of Reference: Sharing Spaces Project Committee


  1. Continue research and coordinate next steps following on from the resolution (see below) approved by the congregation at the Special Meeting on 18 June 2024.
  2. Formulate potential plans including but not limited to scope of required renovation work, detailed budgets, rental agreements, professional consultations, etc… and bring these to Church Council and/or the congregation for information, discussion, and/or approval.


We move to accept the recommended next steps as outlined by the Open Space Working Group and proceed with the various options, with childcare and play space as priority for planning, and approve in principle moving forward with the base renovation costs in the range of $250-300k in the knowledge that as plans develop and detailed costs become clearer that these will be brought to Church Council and/or the Congregation for information, discussion, and/or approval.

Scope of Work

  • Review Open Spaces Working Group material to extract relevant data and details with special attention given to the identified priorities of childcare and play structure including the identified needs and obstacles of these priorities.
  • Identify, develop, and modify a comprehensive plan that not only accounts for new external needs but also explicitly addresses the impacts of these on important internal needs (e.g. creative hands, youth space, storage, etc…) by engaging directly with appropriate people/groups and ensuring that any proposal for next steps adequately addresses concerns raised. Such a plan should extend beyond the old part of our building and include ways that all of our spaces might be reimagined to become more functional.
  • Liaise with relevant parties (e.g. Emmanuel at Brighton, professionals such as engineers and architects, township personnel, equipment and service providers, etc…) to determine needs, identify potential difficulties, and propose solutions, if possible.
  • Engage in detailed planning including but not limited to potential floor plans, budgets, etc…, making use of consultant individuals/groups (e.g., Property & Facilities, Stewardship & Finance, etc.) as and where appropriate.
  • Document process and provide reports to Church Council monthly and to the congregation as needed.
  • Bring recommendations and questions to Church Council and the congregation at various stages of the process and act on the outcome of Council feedback and/or congregational votes.


  • Develop a master plan, reasonable timeline / critical path for each project component and manage progress
  • Develop a detailed budget(s) with relevant estimates for work to be undertaken and bring a recommendation to Council for discussion, feedback, and approval, after which Council will bring this to the congregation for discussion, feedback, and approval.

BMC Sharing Spaces Project Committee: Mark Epp, Patti Hobler, Randy Brown, Pastor Eleanor
