Truth & Reconciliation

Breslau Mennonite Church Truth & Reconciliation Working Group – Purpose

How can I contribute to the process of truth and reconciliation with Indigenous People in Canada?  What do I need to learn? What do I need to do?  These are the kinds of questions a lot of us at BMC are asking, and the answers are not always clear.

Living Into Right Relations is a newsletter that connects you to a lot of things that are happening with Indigenous people in this area.  Have a look.




July 6  Strawberry Thanksgiving & Communion
10:00 am – 1:00 pm at Six Nations Polytechnic (Grand River Room), 2160 Fourth Line, Ohsweken, ON
You are  invited to join for Strawberry Thanksgiving & Communion, partner with Adrian Jacobs, Ganosono of the Turtle Clan Cayuga Nation, and Senior Leader for Indigenous Justice and Reconciliation with the Christian Reformed Church in North America. This special event is dedicated to the historic issue of land settlement on Six Nations Haldimand Tract.

For more information, there is no cost but you must register:


July 26 – 28 Grand River Champion of Champions Powwow at Six Nations

For more information:


July 29 at 7:00 pm Coalition to dismantle the doctrine of discovey at Waterloo North Mennonite Church, 100 Benjamine Rd, Waterloo

On July 29 at 7:00 pm Deborah Yoder will be speaking at Waterloo North Mennonite about her work at the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery.  Deborah has worked at the Coaltion as a volunteer and is returning there after a summer break.  Hearing her stories may prompt possibilities for our work locally.

This will be an interesting follow-up to the Strawberry Communion and Thanksgiving at Six Nations on July 6.

Learn about The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery (DDoD),  a collective that emerged from the Mennonite Church who work together to mobilize Christian church communities to dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery and follow Indigenous leadership. Deborah Yoder will share about her experience working as the Communications Coordinator and Indigenous Solidarity Organizer for the Coalition.  Come learn about the transformative work of the Coalition and how to get involved.















