A Prayer for Christmas: Draw near to us Holy One, Word-Made-Flesh, Emmanuel, God-with-Us, the Prince of Peace. We rejoice for all that you are and all that we will become as you, Light of the World, shine in us and through us. Amen.
from Voices Together #1046
It has been 190 years of ministry, of witness, of study, of service. It has been 190 years of being welcoming in worship, sharing at table, laughing, singing, studying, serving, praying, and weeping together. We come to worship so that we can make a difference, comfort strangers, share the Good News, heal hurts, live the Way of Jesus. Our purpose is to gather so we may be strengthened and encouraged to go; our mission is not within a building but rather going into the world. We come to breathe deeply of God’s Spirit, to live as followers of Jesus.
A blessed 190th anniversary to this community of faith – Breslau Mennonite Church.
Silver Lake Mennonite Camp invites campers ages 5-12 for a fun week of creative outdoor activities. August 12-16 at Breslau Mennonite Church https://slmc.ca/summer-camp/day-camp
All are welcome!
Growing Deep Connections with the Creator & Creation
Join in community worshipping with creation, not just in creation. We are invited to pay attention and worship with an expectation that God is present and active in the world around us, and that creation itself has something to offer us in expanding our understanding of God. Read the Bible, sing, pray, praise under the open sky and pay attention to God’s presence with our senses so that we can experience wonder and remember that we are part of creation.
For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies: Lord of all, to thee we raise, this our hymn of grateful praise.
New Hamburg Fairgrounds
Join in supporting the service and development, peace and justice work of Mennonite Central Committee https://mcc.org at the New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale. https://nhmrs.com
The Relief Sale started in 1967 by individuals from Mennonite churches in southwestern-Ontario in response to the ever-growing world-wide need for relief from hunger, poverty and natural disaster and for development and peace-building activities. The net proceeds from the Relief Sale are forwarded to Mennonite Central Committee.
Breslau and area Mennonite Churches began participating in the sale by providing home baked strawberry pies. The first year, 1967, 100 pies were made. Breslau, Bloomingdale, Pioneer Park, and Listowel Mennonite Churches currently contributing to the strawberry pie project.
See you at the Sale!
Tickets for April 25-28 are available https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=232148 or contacting our church office@breslaumc.ca
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen, indeed!
We remember and we rejoice.
God, you are here among us.
God, you are more than a story.
Nothing is impossible with you.
Your grace, love, and mercy surround all people.
Help us to reflect this understanding to each other.
In the name of the Risen Christ, we pray. Amen.
We are hungering for hope. The world seems to be a very weary place. Where can authentic hope be found? What happens when we embody trust, surrender, openness, beauty, rebirth, and reconciliation?
Join Breslau Mennonite Church for worship. All are welcome! During the season of Lent, 40 days (not including Sundays) from Ash Wednesday to the Saturday before Easter, to experience a journey of seeking, discovery, and challenge. Hungering for Hope is our worship theme for Lent. Worship is Sunday at 9:45 am, the first Sunday of Lent is February 18.