Jr & Sr Youth

Welcome to the big time! Once you’ve hit Grade 6, 7 & 8 you’re no longer considered a child in our community of faith, but you have graduated to the glories of youth ministry! You can expect all sorts of fun activities – like retreats, games nights, sports, service opportunities, delicious goodies, and more. Youth is about providing a space to grow as a person, to support each other, try out new things, figure out what this church thing is all about, help others through service projects, and learn about this revolutionary named Jesus.

In Sunday School, Youth participate in something that we call “Project-Based Learning”. The group identifies an area of religious/spiritual/ethical interest, tries to learn as much as they can about this area, and then finds a way to share this experience with the congregation. This year the Youth want to understand better and celebrate music and faith. Stay tuned!


Depending on the number of the youth, we may have Jr and Sr youth groups. Youth are always encouraged and welcomed to participate in the life of the church, through worship services, committees, service opportunities, youth group activities, and intergenerational activities. The Jr Sunday school children always appreciate when the youth play and lead activities too.


Youth Sunday school on Sundays and monthly youth activities involve lots of laughter, hanging out together, and questions about what being a disciple of Jesus is all about. Some youth milestones out church celebrates include marking 12th and 18th birthdays! Youth are an essential part of Breslau Mennonite Church.
