A Prayer for the New Year
May the peace and promises of God go with you into the New Year.
May the Alpha and Omega – your beginning, your ending, and your eternal home – guide and strengthen you. Amen.
May the peace and promises of God go with you into the New Year.
May the Alpha and Omega – your beginning, your ending, and your eternal home – guide and strengthen you. Amen.
9:35 am Pre-Worship Singing
9:45 am Advent 4 Worship – Together on the Journey
Christmas Eve Service
7:00 pm December 24
Christmas Eve Choir, Lesson & Carols, Congregational Candle Lighting.
All are welcome!
7:00 pm December 24
Christmas Eve Choir, Lesson & Carols, Congregational Candle Lighting.
All are welcome!
We acknowledge with gratitude the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee, Anishnawbe, and Neutral peoples upon which we gather. We seek a new relationship with Indigenous peoples, one based in honour and deep respect.
226 Woolwich St. Breslau, On | 519.648.2501 | email: office@breslaumc.ca
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Breslau Mennonite Church