57th New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale May 26 – 27, 2023 https://nhmrs.com
All proceeds go directly to the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) for non-for-profit relief, and to demonstrate God’s love by blessing people around the world.
Breslau and area Mennonite Churches began participating in the sale by providing home baked strawberry pies. The first year, 1967, 100 pies were made. In 2023, plans are to sell 850 strawberry pies. The churches currently contributing to the pie project, both financially and with volunteers are Breslau, Bloomingdale, Listowel, and Pioneer Park Mennonite Churches.
Hope to see you Saturday, May 27 at the New Hamburg Relief Sale in support of the work of Mennonite Central Committee. Activities are also going on Friday evening, May 26. https://nhmrs.com/quilt-catalogue/2023